Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New pics

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Istiqamah Duha

Ya Allah, bahawasanya...
waktu duha it waktu duhamu
kebaikan itu kebaikanmu
keindahan itu keindahanmu
kekuatan itu kekuatanmu
kekuasaan itu kekuasaanmu
dan perlindungan itu perlindunganmu

Ya Allah,....
sekiranya rezekiku masih di atas langit, maka turunkanlah
sekiranya ia masih berada di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah
sekiranya susah, permudahkanlah
sekiranya haram, sucikanlah
dan sekiranya jauh, dekatkanlah.

Berkat waktu duhamu,
dan kekuasaanmu,


Monday, September 7, 2009


Uploading the pics first.... snapped using my phone. Pic quality not as good.

Will tambah the cerita later once ada peluang.


coming soon.

Bahtera Padang Pasir

Memang suitable ArabMalaysian Bank use Camel as their mascot. This creature is so unique.

Widely known, boleh go without water for weeks.

Did u know, unta especially their milk is good for so many things....., digestion problem, high blood, heart related etc... etc... etc... Please refer to your Doctor for details & confirmation.... For sure, hati unta is good for asthma.

This creature meant to be very taat / loyal, slow and steady. But, nobody should upset them. They will sit on top of you (or other camels) until mati.

For unta (or is it for Arabs, not so sure here)..., it is a must to feed the anak first before milking the mother. Ethics!!!

It's a good money making biz too. That small bottle = SR5.

The Jabal Rahmah story

Jabal Rahmah....., mostly ppl tahu about this hill. Stories typically about climbing this hill and doa untuk dapat jodoh.

See, panjat half way dah dapat jodoh. Gambar hiasan, Abg Din & Kak Mah.
As for me, I didn't climb it. Not because I'm already happily married & against poligamy.... (which I am not)...., but I was in ihram & I can feel myself up there with those ppl, from the foothill itself. (?).

Actually, the other end of the hill yang I think quite significant also.... the place which Nabi gave his last sermont....about how complete is Islam. This was during his Haji Wida' (the only Haji performed)...., prior to his Wafat.

Nabi did also sembelih 63 unta for qurban here..... (sign of his age, 63yrs old).

Camels & challenger - quadmobils..... Nope. They are not in the race.

Turkish deligates.

Turkish delight.

Sexual harrassment in progress....!

Ada rupa camel cerita Star Wars.

Confirmed bukan Kurma.

Ihram and Umrah

The niat : Sahaja Aku Mengerjakan Umrah dan Berihram aku dengannya kerana Allah Ta'ala.

My first time ever. Back in homeland, was so worried and always thought it would be difficult. But, got various advice at the end....., treat & pray it to be easy...., then IT DID BECOME easy.

Umrah in Ramadhan....., similar to performing actual Haj.

Entering Mekah from Madinah by land......, the miqat = Bir Ali (previously Zulhulaifah). Notice the silly hair....

The above pic is actually in full colour & not in B&W.

Notice the hair..... opps..... this pic must be out of sequence. Sorry, poor storytelling here..... This pic was from the second Umrah set. 1 set consists of all 5 rukun which ends with tahallul.....(buang rambut). Btw, location was infront of Gua Thur; the cave in which Nabi & Abu Bakar hide....yup, the one with the spider web. Try to spot the cave,.....mid way of the hill in the middle.

Anyhow, back to the 1st umrah story....,

Reluctantly, we had to tinggalkan Madinah.... Heavy heartedly performed the Ziarah Wida',...goodbye to Nabi SAW. I prayed hard, dipanjangkan umur to be given the opportunity again to visit Madinah.

Travelling by air-conditioned bus from Madinah to Mekah took us thru a 5hr ride across the dessert highway.

Outside the bus, weather was hot.... (p/s : avg 45deg celcious throughout the 2 weeks), the terrains were rocky & sharp...., hilly, dry, windy, sandy, stormy & with unrecognizable valleys. All sort of hurdles u might see in 4WD Paris Dacca rally.

And, this was exactly going back in time thru the path Nabi & Abu Bakar took to Hijrah from Mekah to Madinah. If I recall it correctly, the journey which took close to 12days to endure....

I'm so insaf with this.... & sad. I know that I can't endure it..... gimme 1 year belum tentu I survive the journey.

Even deeper, if I was there during those years....., would I had the hidayah and guts to follow Nabi....? Big question.....

So lets be content & syukur...... cut down complaining & whining.

The Rise of The Fallens



Maqam Nabi SAW

Towards the front side of the masjid lies Maqam Nabi, Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Omar. Actually they are within Rumah Nabi itself. Note the green dome.

Also part of the ever mustajab Raudah area.

Throughout the years, there were many ill-attempts to penetrate the maqam.... underground etc.

Masjid Nabawiah @ Madinah

Madinah is forever peaceful & calm.

Did you know, in Saudi, offices, schools and most govt/private sectors are given 1 month leave? Cuti untuk beribadat..... This one I seriously envy!

Also, one of the reasons why the city turns so quite after Suboh. People taking rest after straight and serious ibadat focus during the nites.

Masjid Al Qiblatain

As the name carries, this is the Masjid with 2 Qiblat within 1 solat. Nabi & sahabat, if not mistaken sedang solat Zuhor. Half way turun wahyu to tukar the qiblat from masjidil aqsa to masjidil haram.... something like 180degree turn. This change was due to segala ejekan from the Jews that Muslims pray towards masjidil aqsa, their holy place.

It is said, after that wahyu, everybody turn to the new Qiblat.... and Malaikat telah pindahkan Nabi from the back to the front, to retain sebagai Imam.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bukit Uhud - The Tragedy

Perkuburan the martyrs... termasuk the most syahid of all... Saidina Hamzah.

Bukit Uhud, nowdays is full of peddlers.... selling kurmas & tasbihs....

Years ago, this ground was the exact battle ground.
Uhud, stands for one.... ie. the only hillside which stands on its own
not connected to others.

And, this particular hill, strategic tempat for the archers... who telah tidak follow
the instructions went down to collect the harta perang.

Many had died.... and decades after, banjir had revealed the bodies of the syahids still remain fresh & new.

Masjid Quba

1st masjid ever built..... Nabi himself carried heavy rocks over his shoulder....

First sight of Masjid Nabawi

Hotel was so near......... (Mawaddah)